Youtube is the most popular mobile application/website which is used by tens of millions of people every day whether it be for entertainment, education, livelihood and daily news updates. There is a variety of different types of content found on Youtube such as gaming, music, educational videos, news, sports and a lot more. I want to talk about a new type of content that is popular nowadays and has been popular for some time which is reaction videos.
I believe this type of content is the easiest to make and the easiest to draw the youtube audience's reaction. In these types of videos what the YouTuber generally does is give his reaction to a very popular video posted by some other youtube channel that he is watching for the first time. Now a question might arise in your mind. Doesn't Youtube issue a copyright claim when you show content belonging to or created by someone else? Can someone not issue a copyright strike against you for using their content? Well, they can issue copyright claims and copyright strikes but that is not the case every time. Most of the copyright claims are issued by youtube when you use music belonging to someone else and a copyright strike is very rarely issued if someone wants you to remove their copyrighted content. Most of the popular reaction channels ask permission from the copyright owners to react to their content and mostly everybody permits as their content would spread more if someone reacts to it and will be viewed by a larger audience. And even if you get a copyright claim you will just have to share some of your earnings from that particular youtube video which is in no way leaving you with the short end of the stick after all you are using their content which is not only helping you earn money but also in growing your channel. It's a win-win situation. I have seen a lot of YouTubers gain a lot of views and subscribers by making this type of content and it works almost every single time. Want to know the secret to it? It's because it targets a specific audience that likes watching that particular video/content very much. For example, a YouTuber reacts to a famous old song for the first time. Now, most of the people who have liked listening to this song over the years will like to watch your first-time reaction to it. Why? Most people when they hear a really good song or watch a movie that they liked recommend it to their friends or family. It's human nature after all to share something you enjoyed with others. The truth is people want to see the astonished reaction of the YouTubers, they want to hear them say how good the video they liked is and how they would listen to or watch it every single day. What most people watching such videos crave is the gratification they get when they know how others feel the same about something as they felt. We as humans generally like to make like-minded friends who feel the same way about most things as we do. It's the same principle behind these videos. After these people come to know how the Youtuber feels the same way as they do they would suggest more videos to react to. The Youtuber has to select the video/content with the most suggestions and 'Bam', the people will come to watch your videos again and this cycle will continue. Honestly speaking, I am not against anyone who makes reaction videos as they are easy to make and sometimes that's what your audience wants to see but what I don't like is manipulating and exploiting a particular category of the audience on Youtube. For example, as an Indian, I see a lot of foreigners making reaction videos to Indian movies, historical spots, content made by other Indian YouTubers and anything and everything related to India. They even put their nationality as clickbait to catch the attention of the Indian audience such as Australian reacts to XYZ or Irish reacts to XYZ. Youtube is filled with such people taking advantage of the humongous Indian audience present on the streaming platform. These people don't react to what they like, they just search for Indian videos with lots of views to react so that they can manipulate the Indian audience into watching their videos earning them a lot of money. Well, I guess it's the Indian audience's fault for being naive enough to fall for such tactics. The question we need to ask ourselves is how many people from a foreign country XYZ would react to a video titled ' Indian reacts to XYZ '. The answer to that is next to negligible. The truth is they are too invested in their lives to know what an Indian thinks of their country. I know it feels great when someone says good things about your country, when someone praises it for something but we need to stop watching such useless videos, we should know that our nation is great, the people of our nation do and create amazing things and we don't need some kind of proof to justify our beliefs. But as I said before, I hold nothing against people making reaction videos. I think it is a good way to interact with the audience on your youtube channel. My only request to the Indian youtube audience is 'At the very least please don't waste your time watching reactions of ten different foreign YouTubers to the same youtube video '.
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